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five inch screen.

In a relationship, sometimes it feels like there are three parties. Two humans and the rest of the world through a five-inch screen. How is the other face of technology supposed to make you feel?

I wonder what goes on in your mind when I share my thoughts, my stories, my day, and my time with you. Who and what are you giving your time to when I am giving my time to you?

I am standing at the edge of the precipice waiting for your empty presence. I am at the edge of the precipice repenting the image of our empty promises.

It is ironic how technology was intended to connect us more and yet it seems to have the opposite effect in real life. The more we indulge ourselves with the newest tech gadgets, the more disconnected we get from one another.


"Let's catch up over dinner" became "Let's FaceTime and catch up tonight."

"See you at 5" became "Text me when you're ready."

I ponder:

How is the other face of technology supposed to make me feel?


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